b'On Things That Matter:Unraveling theMeaning of MessiahWith Rev. Roy Almquist & Rabbi Alan Fuchs May 30, 7:30 p.m. The Messiah has very different meanings within Judaism,Christianity, and contemporary thinking. Emerging in secularAmerican society, the concept answers the yearning for aAmbler Symphony Orchestrauniquely endowed leader who will come and end all thatMay 29, 7:30 p.m.is disappointing, establishing peace. But what is the Jewishunderstanding? And how do most Christians interpret thePerforming majestic pieces that captureterm . both in describing the past and in anticipating thethe challenges of the American West, future?As youll hear from Roy and Alan, whether weJack Moore (talented conductor and think of a Messiah as a divine figure, a charismatic leader,classical music personality at WRTI) or a symbol of hope and redemption, this conceptdirects more than sixty local musicians.continues to hold a powerful place in human imaginationand aspiration. Reflecting perspectives of both JudaismWorks include Billy the Kid, and anand Christianity, their answers and their questionsAaron Copeland ballad among others. will engage and challenge. Exactly what aRide em cowboy!good conversation should accomplish. 69'

Inspiring Guide to Living Summer 2024 Newsletter - Page 71