b'How Memory Works and WhyLost Worlds of South AmericaYour Brain Remembers Wrong Broadcast July 31August 15Broadcast July 2330 Before the first Egyptian pyramids arose, thousands were Are you a particular person today but werealready living in stone-built cities in Peru. Few people a different person yesterday? Welcome torealize how sophisticated civilization was in ancient South the shape-shifting nature of memory. AsAmerica. Few today are also aware of the many cities, Professor Principe so profoundly explains,some dating to 3000 B.C., lost under the sands of the you are the conglomeration of often- desert coast, the rain forests, or the Andes. So, while the unreliable information your brain decidesseries title might seem a bit melodramatic, Dr. Barnhart to feed you at any given moment. Overreveals how historic sanctuaries like Machu Picchu are 12 lectures, youll learn this pliability gradually being recovered. And with these, the discovery even the unreliabilityof your memory isof another lost worldevidence of vast artifact looting, no accident. So, before complaining therobbing us of important clues about these people, and next time you mislay your iPhone, knowtheir worlds. Archaeologist, explorer, and instructor the negatives of your memory also haveEdwin Barnhart is director of the Maya Exploration a flip side that supports your ability toCenter. He frequently appears on the survive and thrive. Gabrielle F. Principe isHistory Channel and the a Professor of Psychology at the CollegeDiscovery Channel.of Charleston. She is also the author of the book Your Brain on Childhood: The Unexpected Side Effects of Classrooms, Ballparks, Family Rooms, and the Minivan.52'

Inspiring Guide to Living Summer 2024 Newsletter - Page 54