b'P onder this . if current climate trends dictate that itsNote too all the new opportunities to remain a lifelong learner, now March showers that bring April flowers, then whatincluding thirteen live lectures, six broadcast Great Courses, does May bring in eastern Pennsylvania?and new Journeys to Ancient Egypt with Dr. Phillips. Well,asaShannondellresident,theanswerisinyourIn the Performing Arts Theater, the warmth of the season is hands.Letssee.gardening,hikingnearbytrails,reflected on stage, kicking off with a little Gershwin by award-campuswalks,golf,tennis,bocce,painting,carving,acting,winning pianist Claire Huangci. Her performance is followed swimming,yoga,massage,lectures,classes,andboundlessby more than forty shows, concerts, musicals, acts and vocal entertainmenttonameafewoftheoptionsresidingjustperformances before our favorite far-out rockers AM Radio end beyond your front door.the season in late August. NotthatyoucantenjoythevastmajorityoftheseitemsItsasummerfilledwithboundlessopportunitiesfor year-roundatShannondell,butletsnotwavethisinremainingactive,engagedandlivingwellatShannondell. thefaceofthoselessfortunate.Alittledecorumplease.More than sufficient grounds for welcoming the season most Particularly,asweaddnewEpicureanclasseslikeJulysassociatedwithnewgrowth,beitrootedinrichsoiloran Patio Wines tasting on the Bradford Terrace.inspiring lifestyle. Bud early. Bloom long .3'

Inspiring Guide to Living Summer 2024 Newsletter - Page 5