b'The Pyramids in Context The Mystery of the Circular Structures(2-part series) August 2, 2 p.m. (Ashcroft movie theater)June 7, 2 p.m. (Ashcroft movie theater)July 1, 2 p.m. (Bradford movie theater)Prepare to go behind the scenes on a current excavation in the great western cemetery at Giza (home to the pyramids and sphinx). A joint project by Cairo Quoting an old proverb, Man fears time,University and Brown University (and one where Dr. Phillips serves on the but time fears the Pyramids. Standing asmanagement team), has been mapping and surveying the northwestern section majestic witnesses to the passage of time, thesince 2000. Well examine the projects goal, methodology and discoveries . pyramids of Egypt convey awe and wonder.including the excavation of a pair of 4000-year-old mud structures shaped like Surprising to most, though, is the fact thatigloos, the only examples of their kind yet found. One early hypothesis was there are over 100 known pyramids in Egyptthat these were once hyena cages. Even if so, why in a cemetery here? If not, . collectively generating a bewildering andthen what? Well ponder this mystery together.fanciful array of suppositions as to why they were built, how they were built, and by whom. The answers all too often ignoring what they represent. Well examine the body of archaeological data recovered from the sands, including Dr. Philips own research, to approach these questions withfacts in place ofmere speculation. 55'

Inspiring Guide to Living Summer 2024 Newsletter - Page 57