b'King Narmer conquers the Nile delta | Allan Ashby | Public Domain Palette of Narmer | Egyptian Museum | Public DomainJOURNEYEgypt Before the Pyramids May 3, 2 p.m. (Bradford movie theater)TO ANCIENTWhile the pyramids along the Nile are arguably EGYPT the most well-known aspect of Egypt, the age of the pyramids is not the starting point of ancient By Dr. Stephen Phillips, Ph.D., Research Assistant toEgyptian history. More than a thousand years before the Penn Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology the first pyramid was constructed, a wonderfully diverse and vibrant culture arose along the Nile. This class examines the beginnings of ancient Egyptian civilization. Starting with the rise of ancient Egyptian kings such as Narmer, Aha and Den, well proceed to the formulation of the state and religion, also covering the development of royal tombs. All of which comprise what Egyptologists todayrefer to as the Predynastic period a time of emerging culturespreceding the 1st dynasty. Wellend by viewing a treasuretrove of beautiful artand artifacts, some5,000 years old.54'

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