b'A Japanese balloon bomb of World War II | Public DomainHistorys Mysteries of WWII Great Garden Flowers: The Easy Ones!By Betty MackeyBy Herb Kaufman August 9, 2 p.m. (Ashcroft movie theater)August 5, 2 p.m. (Bradford movie theater) So what, may you ask, are easy flowers . do they plant, fertilize and water themselves? What fun would that be? No, easy flowers are lovely plants naturally Often presented in schools and by thesuited to our local climate. Using photographs, Betty reveals those cooperative media as a series of invasions and set piecetypes likeliest to shine with the least effort, despite the typical Pennsylvania heavy battles, to some World War II might seemsoils and muggy weather. And shell cover all growing conditions . from shade transparent on the surface. But nothingto full sun and everything in between. Youll leave with many blooming ideas for could be further from the truth. Manythat garden plot or container! Betty serves as the chair of the Shannondell Flower secret operations, innovations, incidentsClub. Before retirement, she authored several garden books and was the garden and personalities remained confidential,columnist for The Hunt Magazine for 25 years.some classified, for years after the war ended. In this presentation, Herb reveals and discusses several of these unusual and often controversial events, including the Ghost Army, the secrets of the Richy Boys,secret drones, bouncing bombs andthe Japanese plan to use weatherballoons to attack America. Call itthe history lesson they never taughtyou in high school. The best part,theres no test later!Ghost Army Patch | Public Domain 49'

Inspiring Guide to Living Summer 2024 Newsletter - Page 51