b'Shannondell SingersSpring Concert Norristown Chorale presentsMay 13, 7:30 p.m. The Order of Time Our talented resident chorus takes the stage to show off allMay 20, 7:30 p.m.of their hard work throughout the year. This program Join this acclaimed chorus for a program exploring ourincludes songs from Broadway, the Big Band era and the relationship with time . from creation and birth, throughGreat American Songbook. Arrive early to support life and faith, to death and the afterlife. Selections willour neighbors! include sacred and secular music ranging from theFaure Requiem to Bob Dylan and Billy Joel. Dave Posmontier Quartet: A Jazz Vesper ServiceMay 21, 7:30 p.m.May Vespers has traditionally been a Jazz Vespers. Which is why youll find the Quartet, including Dave on piano,Dave Brodie on bass, and Doug Hirlinger on drums withvocalist Paula Johns, on stage with retired pastor andShannondell resident Reverend Russ Mueller providing the message. Its a contemporary reflection of spring renewalaccompanied by classical, Jazz and Pop music. 68'

Inspiring Guide to Living Summer 2024 Newsletter - Page 70