b'SupportGroupsParkinsons Support Group Diabetes Support Group Friends of Bill Support Group3rd Monday, 11 a.m. 4th Wednesday, 10 a.m. Thursday, 9:30 a.m.(Bradford card room - side A) (Ashcroft meditation room) (Bradford meditation room)Connect and share with othersA Health Education nurse with PhoenixvilleResident led, this group offersaffected by Parkinsons. Led byHospital leads this group and offers support and encouragement toCommunity Education Outreachresidents living with diabetes (and theirthose recovering from any addiction from Phoenixville Hospital alongspouses) helpful information, resources (AA, OA, AI Anon, GA).with a Shannondell resident. and encouragement.Call ext. 2137 or 609.458.2949Cancer Support Group Dementia Caregiver Support Group3rd Monday, 1:30 p.m. (Ashcroft arts & crafts room) 4th Thursday, 1:30 p.m. (Ashcroft card room - side B)Caregivers, survivors and patients share experiences, Wellness Nurses counsel dementia caregivers on the best ways to questions and answers with a Wellness Nurse.manage behaviors and provide connections to helpful agencies.6'