b'EpicureanMocktails Local Legends of Bald Birds Brewery January 15, 2:30 p.m. March 13, 2:30 p.m.(Ashcroft clubroom) (Ashcroft clubroom)Classes Whether youre weathering a DryuaryFind out what beautifully bald and beautifullythis month or simply curious about howbold have to do with this local brewerSponsored by Shannondell Dining, theseto mix tasty cocktails sans alcohol, and their hand-crafted brews likeclasses seek to introduce, celebrate andweve got the mock-tasting for you! Weekend Gig and Subtle Gestures. share good food, wine and spirits. Winter Bourbon TourFebruary 12, 2:30 p.m. (Bradford clubroom)Let our Bourbon Steward tempt your whiskey tastebuds as we sip and quip, discovering subtleties and noting nuances that even your Louisville friends wouldbe impressed with. 38'