b'Air Force Senior Airman Curtis Towne, 2001 | Adrian Cadiz | Public DomainSpy Plane Crises For The Soldier and His Lady:Eisenhower and George W. BushVictorian Life, Culture & Fashion By Dr. Greg Ferro By Herb & Sandy Kaufman Jan. 29, 1 3 p.m. February 3, 2 p.m.Jan. 30, 10 a.m. 12 p.m. (Bradford movie theater)(Bradford movie theater)The reign of Queen Victoria had a dramatic We explore two incidents of downed U.S.effect on the history, culture and customs reconnaissance planes, held American serviceof the nineteenth century, not only in the members, and standoffs between U.S.UK, but also in the states . particularly administrations and global adversaries. Forfor women. Wives were expected to live a Eisenhower, the 1960 crisis involved a U-2 planerestrictive life with a single focus on their flying over Soviet air space when it was shothusband and, subsequently, their children. down, resulting in the capture of its pilot and theAs men left home to fight in the American cancellation of a crucial Paris summit. For Bush, aCivil War, womens role and fashions began collision between a Naval aircraft and a Chineseto change. Photography, a new invention, interceptor in 2001 resulted in the U.S. planeinfluenced adoption of the hoop skirt, being forced to land in Chinas southernmostcrinolines and hair jewelry. Highlighting province. The detainment of its crew, and thethese changes by featuring their collection seizing of classified intelligence onboardof original period clothing, photographs and tested American and Chinese leaders. Bothartifacts, Herb and Sandy Kaufman explore events may read like a 007 plot, but this isthe thoughts of both volunteer soldiers and real world espionage. Join in the suspense.the women of this era.Zelma Hedin portrait, 1863 | Jacob Lundbergh | Public Domain 43'