b'WINTER PERFORMANCESClubhouseMusicians . Pianist Steve CanaleMon., 5:307:30 p.m. (Bradford)Thurs.,5:307:30 p.m. (Ashcroft) Andrew Neu Big BandPianist Clark Chic Bach January 6, 7:30 p.m.Tues., 57:15 p.m. (Ashcroft) Ledbyrenownedsaxophonist,composerand Wed., 57:15 p.m. (Bradford) recordingartistAndrewNeu,thisBigensemble derive their inspiration from big band jazz of the 60s Pianist Tom Smith and70s.compositionscontinuingalegacyleft Fri. (1st), 5:30-7:30 p.m. (Bradford) byBasie,Maynard,BuddyandQuincy.Bandmates Fri. (3rd), 5:30-7:30 p.m. (Ashcroft) includeScottBlanke,KeithChasin,TonyDesantis, OliviaHughart,SeanMcCusker,ChrisOattsand Pete Smyser (guitar) & renownedleadplayerCraigKenneyontrumpet.Ted Lis (sax) ThebandsalbumCatwalkwonravereviewsfrom 4X monthly (see calendar) All About Jazz, . letter-perfect from stem to stern. 66'