b'Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, computer-generated | AshyCatInc | commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Grand-Egyptian-Museum-3.jpg | CCBYSA4.0 | Extended, RetouchedA Grand Egyptian Museum TourTutankhamun: Exhibiting a Legend Friday, Jan. 3, 2 p.m.February 7, 2 p.m.(Ashcroft movie theater) (Bradford movie theater)In previous classes focused on Tutankhamun, JOURNEY Referred to as the future of preservingwe explored the history and personalities TO ANCIENTEgypts glorious past, the new Grandin the search for, and eventual discovery of Egyptian Museum (GEM) finally opened 12the famed tomb in 1922. The abundance of EGYPT of its galleries to the public this past October.dazzling artifacts unearthed captivated the Located on the Giza Plateau (next to theworld then, with this attraction continuing Pyramids), the museum has been planning,to the present day. Part of this prolonged By Dr. Stephen Phillips, Ph.D., interest is due to the Egyptian government Research Assistant to the Penn Museumfundraising and building for nearly two of Archaeology & Anthropology decades. As the worlds largest museumsending several exhibitions of Tutankhamuns devoted to a single culture, the GEM will hosttreasures on worldwide tours, including to more than 100,000 artifacts, including forthe U.S. in 1976, thanks to an agreement the first time ever, King Tuts entire treasuresigned by Henry Kissinger with Egypt. This collection! Dont miss this early virtual tour,class traces the complete exhibition history including footage by Egyptian press outlets(note its inclusion in GEM), including each supplemented with commentary by Dr. Steve.shows context and impact.54'