b'MATINE PERFORMANCE!Parkside Harmony February 23, 3 p.m.This 50-voice male a cappella group brings a treasure trove of songs from artists like The Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel and The Beach Boys. Directed by Sean Devine, a former member of The Alley Cats, Parkside also features Doo-Wop selections by close-harmony quartets. This past summer,performing at the Barbershop Harmony Societys Festival,Tookany Creek Bluegrass Band Parkside placed 4th in the world. A fitting accomplishment on their 10th anniversary!February 27, 7:30 p.m. They say bluegrass music is full of tradition. If thats thecase,attendingaTookanyCreekconcertcould becomearitual.Whetherperformingcountry,folk, bluegrassorswing,thisexceptionalquartetof musiciansincludingBethMead(banjo/vocals), Paul Kenney (guitar/vocals), John Catterall (mandolin/vocals) and George Steck (upright bass)roll out an amazing mix of songs and sounds with an on-stage chemistrythatspeakstothe30-plusyearstheyve played together. 70'