b'Howard Carter opens King Tutankhamuns Tomb, 1925 | The New York Times | Public Domain Cro-Magnon Artists Painting Wooly Mammoths in Font-de-Gaume | Charles R. Knight | Public DomainI Want My Mummy!Inside the Painted Art of Southwest France(2-part series) Friday, October 4, 2 p.m.Friday, November 1, 2 p.m.(Bradford movie theater)(Ashcroft movie theater) Friday, December 6, 2 p.m.(Ashcroft movie theater)Always a fun tie to Halloween, this special We end our fall series at the dawn of human artobserving enigmatic images lecture updates former Mummy presentations painted onto the walls of caves in southern France, most dating to between 15,000 with new, unpublished images and discoveries.and 30,000 years ago. Its the birth of modern human artistic expression, one of As we descend into the tombs holdingthe features that make our species unique in the animal kingdom. In fact, scholarly mummies of Egypts most famous pharaohsresearch into the origins of human art plays an important role in anthropological (including several digs where Dr. Steveunderstandings to this very day. The first question begs, Why produce art at all? participated) . we explore the history ofAnd tens of thousands of years later, can we even hope to comprehend the intent of the Western worlds interaction withthese Paleolithic artisans? Visiting three remarkable French sites . Font-de-Gaume, these incredible finds. Well observeLascaux and Chauvet . we approach these very questions as we view cave paintings just how mummification developedand engravings, several uncovered accidentally. Amazing! over time, how different mummies were made, and why ancient Egyptian mummies hold such a fascination in our popular culture King Tut, howd you get so funky? 55'