b'President Ronald Reagan meeting President Jimmy Carter, 1981 | White House Photographic Collection | Public DomainThe Lives and Presidencies of Carter & Reagan(2-part series)By Dr. Greg Ferro Sept. 3, 13 p.m. & Sept. 4, 10 a.m.12 p.m.(Bradford movie theater)LecturesPlains, GA and Hollywood, CA are vastly different in many ways, yet both locales served as launching pads for the path leading two U.S. Presidents to the White Taught by professors,House. Indeed, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan did share commonalities. Both served in the military. Both had been governors. Both had four children. Both fielded historians, distinguishedtrouble with Iran, for one a hostage crisis and for the other a scandal. Yet, there are musicians and subjectdifferences. One served one term and put no justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.matter experts, these liveThe other served two terms and put four justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Carter left the Presidency at 57, Reagan at 78. Join us as we compare and contrast these classes often combine withtwo Presidents, each impactful in their own way.resident-led expertise from lifelong fields of study to educate and entertain.As such, they represent a vital part of our lifelong learning program.40'