b'A John James Audubon Center Presentation Caring for Holiday Flowers John James AudubonBy Betty MackeyBy Marcy Engleman November 8, 2 p.m. October 25, 2 p.m.(Ashcroft movie theater)(Ashcroft movie theater)The fall and holiday seasons are rich He was not the first person to attemptin both giving and receiving flowers to paint and document all of the birds ofand arrangements, including amaryllis, America, but in the first half of the 19thpoinsettia, and paperwhite narcissus. century, he was our countrys dominant wildlifeBut which can you/should you keep artist. His notable The Birds of America collectionpast their initial blooms fade? Popular of over 400 life-size prints is still the standard againstin recent years, amaryllis bulbs encased which other bird artists are measured. Well take ain wax can be a keeper if you act in closer look at John James, the man for which thetime. Paperwhites, not so much. And National Audubon Society is named. Starting withaside from the fact that people do keep his early life . from Saint Domingue, to France, topoinsettias alive for months after the America . well track how his fascination withholidays, should they? Well explore nature and drawing led to his focus onthe pros and cons of these and other birds and, eventually, his astoundingseasonal species. Serving as the current collection. Finally, well learn how chair of the Shannondell Flower Club, the National Audubon Society cameBetty has also authored several garden to bear his name and establish books and was the garden columnist for its mission. The Hunt magazine for 25 years. American Flamingo, 1838 | John James Audubon | National Gallery of Art | Public Domain 45'