b'The SocialWAYWhen human connections begin to fade, so too can well-being. Which is why so many aspects of the Shannondell lifestyle revolve around healthy interactions between residents, and betweenresidents and staff. With more than 50 clubs, groups and classes . from fitness,aquatics and dance . to creative outlets such as art, writing and acting . to studying history, science and archaeology . tocompetitive games like billiards, bridge and golf . to gatheringfor spiritual services . your participation is, indeed, healthy.Better still, youre meeting neighbors who enjoy the same things you do. An instant, shared connection. Game time means a fun time Residents also enjoy the vast entertainment options at Shannondell. With two movie theaters and a 500-seat Performing Arts Theater hosting numerous seasonal performances, youll discover its easy to meet friends for drinks, dinner and a show, then safely head home without taking a single step outside. A convenience youll find particularly welcome during the winter months.Speaking of the outdoors, our thriving Garden Club just may beour most social group. Tending to more than 100 plots in the Shannondell Gardens, these resident green thumbs not only share tips and chores during the growing season, but also the bounties of their efforts during harvest.Another common sighting outdoorsour dog owners. As a pet-friendly community, Shannondell makes it easy for this group to bond. Residents enjoy access to a fenced dog run in addition to Mens, womens & co-ed billiards ample open grounds and sidewalks.But as much as there is to do, learn and share at Shannondell, thanksto our activities staff, there are no regimens. Youre welcome to do as much or as little as you like. Again, your path. Your path-mates. 6'