b'The SpiritualWAYWhether practicing a denomination-specific faith, exploring a deeper sense of purpose, or just better understandingthe core beliefs that direct your actions, residents enjoy a variety of intimate groups where they can cultivate theirinner spirit. Clergy from local churches, synagogues, and other places of worship combine with retired resident clergy who callShannondell home to provide a healthy offering of opportunities. These might include vesper services, meditation,bible study, Catholic Mass, Communion Rite and Rosary, or Shabbat services.Frequent resident-led groups might focus on Jewish faith, dreams, nature, student mentoringand overlapping with fitnessMind & Balance, Yoga and Tai Chi. Even our gardeners claim theres something innately spiritual derived from digging the earth and relying on nature for the bounties they grow and harvest.Highlighting the interdependence of all paths is the importance of belonging, connection and purpose in your holistic wellness journey at Shannondell. 11'