b'Within our Performing Arts Theater, youll find dance, acting, improv, singing, ukulele, guitar and hand chime groupsrehearsing and learning together at least once a week. Theresalso music appreciation, art, sculpture, pottery and wood carving classes for all skill levels taking place in both clubhouses. Evenresident-led debate, current events groups, fiction and nonfictionbook clubs, volunteer opportunities and student mentoringprovide fertile ground for reading, learning and sharingat Shannondell.Being inspired . and inspiring others to recall, to question, to think, to convince, to respond is healthy at any age. Remember what Henry Ford once said, Anyone who stops learning is old,District-approved student mentoringwhether at 80 or 20. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. Well said. REMAINING A LIFELONG LEARNER: Live and prerecorded lectures DebateCurrent eventsBook clubs Performing Arts5'