b'For new residents selling homes in todays market, this generally means additional funds available for decorating their new home or other personal pursuitsas their only upfront expense in moving to Shannondell is a single affordable, refundable entrance fee Michelle (Micki) Pasquine, Real Estate Manager Micki adds, The combination of record-setting home pricesAugmenting these favorable financial conditions is the combined with lessons learned over this past year by oldersignificance of all that Shannondell does to help plan for a homeowners whove had to navigate a scary situation onsmooth move. New residents enjoy a host of complimentary, their own and fend for themselves . its pushed many whoprofessional services . from home sale assistance andwere on the fence about moving to pull the trigger. Judy, downsizing guidance to interior planning and design,one such resident agrees, I think we all recognize the valueeven unpacking services on move-in day . it all adds up to a you get moving here, but you also quickly appreciate thesmart decision in any real estate market. One that Judy, John safety and care. When I moved in, I accidentally activatedand many others who moved to Shannondell over the past my emergency bracelet. Before I knew it, security was at mytwo years are glad they made. And, to think, the first step is door. I cant tell you how comforting that is.the easiest . simple consideration. Were here to help. LondonderryA flexible two-bedroom visit shannondell.comThis popular two-bedroom floor plan offers abundant options for customizing. These include opening up the kitchen to the dining/living area, or turning the second bedroom into a comfortable den, study, art studio or hobby room. Personalize to accommodate your interests!* Current as of October 10, 2021, Bright MLS Industry Watch, Q3 2021 3'